Thursday, May 20, 2010

happy teacher`s day :)

hye! long time no updated! miss us?? haha... okay! today is about teachers day! ily teacher so much! :) without teacher who am i??? Ily!!! HAPPY TEACHER`S DAY!!!! to all teacher that ever teach me many things! :) may god bless yaa! =)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


i'm absent tday, got asthma yesterday, rush to da clinic at 12.40 midnight, got to wear da neubelizer(not sure about da spelling),. the doctor said that i cannot eat or drink cold water, cold fruit, pickles, anything sad..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

cite paling bes idesh tgk (gokusen 2)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Justin Bieber

best giler,cute giler, sweet giler... aq dah tengok dah youtube never let you go. bez giler. die nampak matang. but still major cute.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

internet OH internet

dan 2 3 minggu x de internet..bosan x leh online, sbb internet rosak..pegi umah mak cik aku baru boleh online sbb umah die ade WiFi..nasib baiklah..kalau x x online lah aku tah sampai bile ..heiiiishhh...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

hmm...kenal x ni sape???sape x kenal 2 duduk dlm gua kew??? urmmm...evils....klo tgk kt video dia yg tajuk never let u go....arghhh!!!!! di jamin akan jerit kuat2!!!!=) expirience ini pernah dirasai severel people....anda bile lagi!!!k...kowank dh tau kan nape aku tulis sikit benar...sbb buzy la....sowi k.... -i desh!-

Saturday, April 24, 2010

kesakitan membawa hasil...

urmm...firstly...thankx vamp! hmm... selama nie lebam2 kaki,sakit2 tangan...membuah hasil jugak...dapat gak medal tu...aku yg tudung hitam tu...(i desh)...sebelah tu sarah my EX-bestiest... tapi dia ttp kwn yg baik... lastly...sowi ar x dpt nk tulis bebanyak sbb x de masa...maklomlah...buzy...k tuje kowt...hav fun u all!!! =)

Friday, April 23, 2010

hahaha...nih EVILS record tau...
(ne recod untuk ape ar?? kalo E,I,L,S tau ckp eh..)

Hepi Bezdey

Tudey bezdey Aishah a.k.a I-desh... aq x datang solah tadi... x dapat wish ingat nak jadi first yang wish die. so sad ;( ... desh, kalo ko ade bace ari ni ... aq nak wish ko hepi bezdey.. aq no bape???? sori.. tapi aq arap besok ko dtg sbb aq nak kasi adiah n nak wish ko.. p.tebng ade wish ko x. kalo x die adelar orgh yang plg jahat ...!!! (not so shuer)

happy bezdey...

from Vampire...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Poems....(....)

This is all not fair,
'Coz no one seems to care,
In the outside i'm shyin' away,
But in the inside i'm dyin to say...


Friday, April 16, 2010

member of EVILS

E-einstain (raihan)

V-vampire (aisyah)

I-i desh (i shah)

L-lolipop (tsara)

S-star (addelyna)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


salam evils! yo its aishah now....the leader....(cewah)...

aku ade cite sikit....tadi masa dlm p`jalanan nk g seklh...
aku nmpk ade 2 ekor bdk tgh memain henfon...
pas2 dtg le mamat x guna ni ....dia kata kt bdk tu....`dek ade kedit x`???
pas2 teros rampas henfon tu dari genggaman bdk tu....n cabot lari....
kita mesti ambil pengajaran dari kejadian itu....

-i desh-

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

homework disaster !!

UHOH ! banyak giler home work yg cikgu cikgu aku bagi..jgn harap nk siapkan. mood hari nie adalah hanya tido, makan and online ..itu sahaja yang tertera dalam to do list hari nie..jadi esok esok je la bwat..dah la pnat dgn sukan yang x berhenti membuatkan aku rasa mcm nak mati..pnat hari ni pun belum tentu boleh hilang esok. esok lagi teruk sbb kena lawan dgn org yang lagi terer drpd aku but nasib baik esok xde lari so lega la sikit. :(

arrgghhhh !

aku tgh pening kepala sbb cikgu pilih aku sbagai wakil rumah kuning utk lari 100 tadi aku x lps apa-apa pun mcm mnelah aku nak lari laju hari sukan nnti ! tp x pe., masih boleh diperbaiki.. aku bolehpractise ari ari dgn bapak aku kat umah..hmm.., wish me luck !!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

About us

HELOO., guys and girls, this is E.V.I.L.S' blog. We were established in January 2010. Our group consists of Raihan Najihah, Aisyah Umairah, Nur Aishah, Nur Tsara and Addelyna Zurin. We are the students of S.K Saujana Impian. Now, we are 12 years old. We are from 6 Musytari. We are not angels but we are also not devils. So if we hurt you, don't keep it, just tell us, maybe we can improve it. Don't worry, we're not snobbish, vain or something like that. Hope you guys can accept us just the way we are.