Thursday, May 20, 2010

happy teacher`s day :)

hye! long time no updated! miss us?? haha... okay! today is about teachers day! ily teacher so much! :) without teacher who am i??? Ily!!! HAPPY TEACHER`S DAY!!!! to all teacher that ever teach me many things! :) may god bless yaa! =)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


i'm absent tday, got asthma yesterday, rush to da clinic at 12.40 midnight, got to wear da neubelizer(not sure about da spelling),. the doctor said that i cannot eat or drink cold water, cold fruit, pickles, anything sad..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

cite paling bes idesh tgk (gokusen 2)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Justin Bieber

best giler,cute giler, sweet giler... aq dah tengok dah youtube never let you go. bez giler. die nampak matang. but still major cute.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

internet OH internet

dan 2 3 minggu x de internet..bosan x leh online, sbb internet rosak..pegi umah mak cik aku baru boleh online sbb umah die ade WiFi..nasib baiklah..kalau x x online lah aku tah sampai bile ..heiiiishhh...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

hmm...kenal x ni sape???sape x kenal 2 duduk dlm gua kew??? urmmm...evils....klo tgk kt video dia yg tajuk never let u go....arghhh!!!!! di jamin akan jerit kuat2!!!!=) expirience ini pernah dirasai severel people....anda bile lagi!!!k...kowank dh tau kan nape aku tulis sikit benar...sbb buzy la....sowi k.... -i desh!-

Saturday, April 24, 2010

kesakitan membawa hasil...

urmm...firstly...thankx vamp! hmm... selama nie lebam2 kaki,sakit2 tangan...membuah hasil jugak...dapat gak medal tu...aku yg tudung hitam tu...(i desh)...sebelah tu sarah my EX-bestiest... tapi dia ttp kwn yg baik... lastly...sowi ar x dpt nk tulis bebanyak sbb x de masa...maklomlah...buzy...k tuje kowt...hav fun u all!!! =)